Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How to make your Ubuntu 10.10 to look like Mac OS X

OK, i like Mac OS X, but i like tinkering better, so i use Ubuntu. This is my screenshot, it's customized Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, and no, it's not a mock-up, it's my desktop at home.

i have very little time to write this post, i'll complete the details when i have time. If you happen to show up here, post your comment, i'll post whatever necessary to help you, including icons set, theme, etc., and how to do it. In case you want to download those yourself, look for these: Mac4Lin, (mine has the customized Mac4Lin Gtk theme), GLX-Dock (cairo-dock) -- you can also try Docky and AWN Dock, Nautilus- elementary (the latest version of Nautilus-elementary has already included ClutterFlow (coverflow if you will)), Gnome2 GlobalMenu, Gloobus-Preview, and other Mac specific themes for Firefox, thunderbird and Google Chrome. Cheers!

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